So since last time I have actually done quite a bit...
This last Friday I got together with some others here in the program with me. We had all only met once at our initial orientation, so it was really great to catch up with them all. Plus, it's nice to know that I will have people to hang out with if I need to speak English for a change. I brought my roommates with me, and they really seemed to enjoy themselves. They claim that "American parties" are a blast, much different than here. Everyone here seems to think of what happens in the movies when referring to the United States, like we all are members of frats and sororities and that we drink, dance, and party all the time. Although, I must admit that our most recent gathering did seem to resemble that... heeehee. One of my students asked me the other day too whether I knew Lindsay Lohan. I think the States are so far away that people assume they are smaller and that we all live closer to each other than we really do. When I explain to them that I have not even visited a third of the States they are always surprised. And everyone thinks I live in D.C. too when I say Im from Washington. It's pretty cute.
Monday was a holiday here in Spain... El día de la Hispanialidad, which basically means a day to celebrate being Spanish. These crazy Spaniards can always find an excuse to party. It was also Christopher Colombus Day, which is a national holiday here. So this weekend there was celebration all over Palma, and all the local restaurants participated in what's called TaPalma. Tapas+Palma=TaPalma.... that means that local restaurants put out special deals on tapas and drinks, and you could even follow a map of all the places to go with their prices and everything. It was actually still really expensive; thats because its actually a really touristy thing to do. But man did I have some good food! The great thing about tapas too is that they're really small so you get to try a lot of different things. I had some Spanish meatballs (albóndigas to you mom), a roasted pepper filled with some type of veggie puree and covered with serrano ham, croquetas, and we even found this place that made Amercan tapas (I had the spicy chili)... It was great. I went with the roommates and some of Encarna's friends, who were really very entertaining. They also insisted that I give them personal English classes too and that they want to pay me for them. We'll see what happens I guess...
After all the food we decided to go out for a little longer. Sounds kinda strange but we actually went to two different Irish bars after that: Hogan's and Shamrock. It was hilarious because they were playing a bunch of Blues and Jazz at Shamrock... There was actually a live band there from Michigan! Crazy. Palma is truly a mix of all types of cultures; it's pretty awesome.
On Monday (I usually have Mondays off even when it isn't a holiday) we went to the most gorgeous beach. It's just outside the pueblo of Calvia, and it was indescribable! (although its in the picture at the top) It only took like 10 minutes to get there by bus. The weather was wonderful and the water was still at a comfortable temperature to swim in... Not used to that in October in the Northwest, are we? Nor are we used to half-naked bodies walking by all the time; Europe really is a whole different world. But wow, we swam to this other little island and climbed to the top and we saw the most gorgeous view! I couldnt help but think about how easy I have it here... I only have to work 12 hours a week and I live in paradise :)

Classes started again yesterday and everything seems to be running smoothly still. The kids are so sweet! Yesterday in one of the 5th grade classes alone I already had 3 different girls give me bracelets that they made for me... ¡Qué mono! (how cute! in spanish...) and another girl colored a picture with my name on it... they're just adorable. I'm starting to really get the hang of things too. I'm becoming more comfortable with the teachers I work with and we seem to all get along really well. It's really cool to see how much progress they have made since the first week too; they are really talented. I'm not supposed to speak to them in Castellano at all while in the classroom, but every once and a while after I have tried to explain something in every way I can think of in English I will talk to them in Spanish. Now I know why they didnt want me to though; they're tricky little buggers. They teacher will tell them that Im just trying to learn Spanish so I know a little, but now they know I'll understand them in Spanish and so will try to have conversations with me in their native tongue. I now just listen to what they say in Spanish and answer in English. It's kinda funny actually.
All I have left to do now is to get my NIE card (basically an extended Visa that says Im a resident) so that I can get discounts on touristy stuff like the locals do. I guess the computer system has been down at the police station here for over a week now... so we haven't been able to make an appointment to get one. Funny how different things work here :) But on Monday we're going in and after I have it I plan on visiting the Cathedral and the old castle up the hill. Should be awesome... I'll keep you up to date! Miss you all... we'll talk soon!
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